Wednesday April 26 2017 
Dear folks, welcomto to VOUS ( - Voice Of Unitarians .)

The word vous is french for 'you' -interestingly, it can be used to address a person or a number of people. This website is a ground-up initiative, ie written for a layman for the layman.  Its for not meant for scholars, theologians and the like because from my research, it is extremely difficult for them to concede the trinity theory to be non biblical even when the overwhelming evidence is laid bare . You see, its easier to fool someone into believing the trinity theory that to convince them they've been fooled. (Having said that I do hope that some of them would benefit from the material on this site . )

Here is a statement from a pro-trinitarian site

"Although the word “Trinity” is famously absent from Scripture, the theology behind the word can be found in a surprising number of verses…..Yet, when it comes to the doctrine of the Trinity, most Christians are poor in their understanding, poorer in their articulation, and poorest of all in seeing any way in which the doctrine matters in real life. One theologian said, tongue in cheek, “The trinity is a matter of five notions or properties, four relations, three persons, two processions, one substance or nature, and no understanding.” All the talk of essence and persons and co-this and co-that seem like theological gobbledy-gook reserved for philosophers and scholars-maybe for thinky bookish types, but certainly not for moms and mechanics and middle-class college students. "
The absurdity which gullible minds do not see..the trinity delusion

 Folks, I have found  that it is the average person, the housewife, the mechanic, the truck driver, the web designer , the barista and the average Joe, that do alot of thinking . This is evident from my research on the internet. So folks, this site is about you -its a platform for you to share your testimony because your testimony is an immensely powerful tool both for your own good as well as to encourage others - it sure is for me . VOUS - which means 'you ' in latin  is a platform for you to have a Voice. This is your site folks and I hope you will be blessed by it .Here are the following objectives :

1. To give a proper rebuttal to verses  that trinitarians use to prove the trinity which can be articulated as : We believe that the one God eternally exists in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and that these three are one God, co-equal and co-eternal, having precisely the same nature and attributes, and worthy of precisely the same worship, confidence, and obedience .. Source : God in three persons, a doctrine we barely understand

2. Provide adequate resources for anyone seeking to  examine the trinity idea by rightly dividing the word.

3. Provide a platform where the average Joe and Jane can share their testimonies objectively on why they no longer believe in the trinity

The trinity is philosophy masked as theology
The theory of the trinity as taught by theologians who influenced the roman catholic church formed under the roman emperor Constantine is not  only 'unbiblical' - it is utterly ridiculous. Not only is it ridiculous, it is totally irrelevant for salvation, evangelism and your personal walk with Yahweh God. I know this to be a fact because I am speaking from my personal experience, which is what this site is all about. My wife who works in a mission oriented organisation feels that way too. I have also interviewed fellow Believers & the consensus is the same - nothing of value will be lost if you reject belief in the trinity theory.  I have read my Bible and I can say  that deriving the doctrine of the trinity from the Scriptures requires some clever play with words and outright dishonesty. There are no hints that Yahweh the Elohim in the Old Covenant  is actually three entities. It isn’t even implicitly taught in the New Covenant, but rather seems to be a poorly constructed idea based on a few scattered verses mentioning the Spirit & various passages from the apostles'  writings that allude to the supposed divinity of Yeshua Messiah. The trinity idea is philosophy masked as theology, just as evolution is conjecture masked as science.

But how did the so many of us come to believe in it in the first place ? By repetition, beginning at childhood or when one first joins a congregation,  the theology is continually repeated until the doctrine is absorbed without reasoning.:

1. Everyone else believed in it . It was taught in the church I belonged to. Everyone just seemed to automatically embrace this idea . The thought of questioning it never crossed my mind - after all, the masses have held onto this  belief & have done so for hundreds of years. This is a logical fallacy called argumentum ad numerum, which asserts that the more people who support or believe a proposition, the more likely it is that that proposition should be true. But just as something true does not become untrue if no one believes in it, something that is not true will not become true if everyone believed in it. Truth cannot be attained through the consensus of the majority. The Earth was never flat even if the whole world believed so.

2.  There were passages in scripture which seem to validate the trinity theory . For me, it was John 1 1-14 - doesnt it clearly state that " In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was God and that the Word became flesh & dwelt among man ? I've found that a correct understanding of this passage by studying  the original language it was written in, proves that Yeshua Messiah is not God. The word 'Word' here is not referring to a person, but to the  logos which can mean the the divine intention or the purpose, or the 'plan of Yahweh God" If Yeshua ( Jesus ) was God, the Word would be θεόν instead of λόγος . You can do a research on the Intelinear Scripture  at this link
3. There were analogies  that explained this difficult-to -understand- theory . Personally, I was sold on the  analogies that water, ice & vapor are all different yet  one and that a man can be a father, husband & son at the same time . Slam dunk

There are other factors, but the  combination of these 3 alone are mainly responsible for leading many astray, including me.
But thanks  to the brilliant investigative work of many saints  who have written and exposed the trinity theory on the internet, allowing me to conduct research, and thanks especially for the grace & revelation to see through error given by the Spirit of our loving God Yahweh.

A useless teaching 
Because the trinity theory is based on poor scholarship, we should stop giving it the prestige & recognition as a 'doctrine'. This nonsensical theory has been given too much respect by too many people for far too long.  It is the equivalent of the scandal of the Piltdown Man which was one of the greatest scientific hoax ever perpetrated by learned men.

Let me share why this is a useless teaching. I was raised a Catholic & born into a broken family, was put in an orphanage as a toddler . I grew up without a good role model as my dad was an alcoholic and my mum deserted me . I grew up to be a very complicated person - anti social, naive, unstreet wise, and just lived a wasted life. When I got married, my wife went through hell (we are both Believers ) . I treated her so bad, she once sat on the window sill contemplating to jump down. We had huge bouts of fights, and after I examined every one of them which I usually do, I found that I was in the wrong - always. And everytime I blew it, I would resolve in my mind and heart not to repeat it again . During these periods ( which were like the first 5 years of our marriage ) I immersed myself with Scripture and the thing that kept me making great success towards my wife was intense revelation of the following  :

1.The doctrine that I am a NEW CREATION
2.The doctrine that I am  saved by grace throguh faith and that not of myself, it is the gift of Yahweh God so that no man could boast 
3. The doctrine of the new covenant where Yahweh declares " and your sins and your lawless deeds I remember no more.

The point I am trying to make is that at the lowest points of my life, not just with my wife, but with myself,  my doubts about salvation, eternal security, about whether I am good enough for Yahweh, about sin in my life, carnal thoughts, temptations of the flesh etc -during all these times, never ONCE  no no, not for a fleeting moment did the fake 'doctrine' of the trinity ministered to me . Not once since I was born again in 1987 !  And yet, and yet, this teaching is central to the Christian faith in Protestant Christianity, to the point that you'll be considered a heretic if you dont subscribe to it and to the point that there is no salvation if you do not believe in it in the Catholic faith.?  What a bloody joke !

One other crucial factor is that I have had my fair share of evangelism in my personal capacity as well as with Christian Ministries. In every one of these exercises, the concept of the trinity never played the slightest role because it  was totally UNNECESSARY.  What was totally NECESSARY though was to preach Yeshua Messiah's miraculous birth, sinless life, sacrificial death AND resurrection.  So the 'doctrine' of the trinity played absolutely NO role in my Salvation, application to daily life and evangelism and I am supposed to believe in this 'MYSTERY' ?  Give me a break !

If your life will not  change for the worse one single bit if the  trinity teaching is abandoned, why cling to it. Its like reminding Yahweh God of your sins even though He says clearly in Hebrews that your sins and your lawless deeds I remember no more --- not that Yahweh God has gone soft on sin but because the punishment for the sins of the world was already atoned for by Yahshua Messiah who was the Lamb of God .... who is it that will bring a chrge against Yahweh God's elect ?? It is Yahweh God who justifies ...woooo hooo !!!

My dear friends,

I have yet to find the phrase "God the Son" in the Scriptures, but that doesn't seem to bother people.
as according to many ' the substance of the doctrine is definitely biblical'

I have yet to find the word  "Trinity" in the Scriptures, but that doesn't seem to bother people.
Listen to their rationale : " So, to say that the Trinity isn't true because the word isn't in the Bible is an invalid argument.  Furthermore, to say that if God wanted us to believe in the Trinity He would have clearly taught it in scripture--is also an invalid argument. Something does not have to be clearly formulated in the Bible to be valid. I didnt make this up. Click here to read. 

From another who writes in defence of the the trinity idea : "Here’s a list of single Bible verses that explicitly reference all three members of the Trinity." He goes on to give about 20 verses of Scripture but  ends with this note : "The Trinity is so mysterious and intriguing, you’ll probably never feel like you know enough about it—I certainly won’t." I didn't make this up ok. Here you go.  

 I have yet to find the phrase "God is a trinity" in the Scriptures, but it doesnt bother people as they go on to say : "  "Of course, there is no verse that says “God is three Persons” or “God is a Trinity.” This is evident and true, but it proves nothing. "

 I have yet to find the phrase "Tri-une God "in the Scriptures, but that also doesn't seem to bother anyone, theologians included as according to them ' the substance of the doctrine is CLEAR'

I have yet to find the following verses in Scripture but that doesnt seem to bother anyone too : "God is three consubstantial persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit—one God in three Divine Persons". The three persons are distinct, yet are one "substance, essence or nature"

As many are  aware, the early church knew nothing about the trinity theory  and the primary reason that most denominations today are, is because this was the position of the various Catholic councils that deemed other views heretical. That the trinity theory was constructed not out of a desire to understand Yahweh God, but rather as part of a a vendetta against heresies (i.e. first Arianism, then Macedonianism), is what makes it as nonsensical as it seems. It was not designed as a rational theology and was never intended to be one; it was designed specifically, and only, to refute other theologies and to exclude those who adhered to them.

I was finally freed from this senseless theory and am now able to share this with you, in the hope you too will benefit, just as I have benefited from others  .Discarding this belief which you came to accept as 'christian' after many years is not going to be easy, but it can be achieved. The first thing to know is that we are reminded that many will come to pervert the truth, even from among our own. Hence we're called to test everything and to prove ourselves if we are in the faith . The emphasis here is that you have to prove yourself, meaning , you will have to "check it out" and not rely on someone else to check it out for you. Arm yourself with a willingness to learn, using the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of Yahweh God, & ask for grace & discernment from the Spirit of Yahweh God to lead & guide you. It will take awhile, but I can tell you that nothing can be more rewarding than being set free from error .

Exegess . ALL the passages of Scripture which trinitarian theologians and their flock have used  to substantiate the trinity theory have been put under the microscope through exegesis by many saints from all walks of life   and found to be false. . Exegesis is a theological term used to describe an approach to interpreting a passage in Scripture by critical analysis. Proper exegesis includes using the context around the passage, comparing it with other parts of Scripture, and applying an understanding of the language and customs at the time of the writing, in an attempt to clearly understand what the original writer intended to convey. In other words, it is trying to "pull out" of the passage the meaning inherent in it. Not using this method will result in a doctrine of loopholes which is what the doctrine of the trinity is all about. As said in the beginning, the main objective of this site, to give a proper rebuttal to these 'trinitarian' verses, provide a platform where the average Joe and Jane can share their testimonies, and provide resources for them to examine the trinity idea by rightly dividing the word. 


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